Last night, "the perfect storm" for photographing lightning passed just north of our home. It was really fun to play with manual camera settings and enjoy the beautiful show the skies were performing.
I set the camera up on the tripod and used the remote to control the shutter. For the pictures from earlier in the evening, I cranked the aperture nearly as high as I could to allow for a longer shutterspeeds without being over exposed. As night fell, I continued to lengthen the shutterspeed to increase my chances of catching a strike.

Wow!!! Awesome pictures, although after that first picture (it looked real close) I'd be afraid that your camera on it's tripod might be the next thing hit. Great work.
WOW! Nice shots! I esp like the ones with multiple strikes at once! You're gutsy! I would have been running for cover!
holy crap! that is some lightning. i'm with amy - i would be UNDER the covers indoors.
Fantastic job! Remote and tripod really help to avoid any shake at all. Great work!
oh my goodness, that's awesome steph! I love watching thunderstorms.
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