Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday - Community (Boiler Up!)

My community for four and half years, the wonderful Purdue University. Just so happens, I was on campus today for a conference, and I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures at lunch with the point and shoot stashed in my purse.

A tree still full of leaves

The new Armstrong Hall

A replicate of Armstrong's footprints on the moon.

Are the college folks getting younger every year?! Still love visiting campus, BTFU!


Darling Kelsey said...

my reaction to the tree: 'wow'

Jen said...

Love the pics. I can't wait to see Armstrong Hall. I agree the kids in college are getting younger. I mean, my baby brother is going soon!

Sara said...

Nice timing. I'll even refrain from any jabbing and won't bring up the stench of the upper northwest for the spirit and sportsmanshp that is photo week.

Very cool pictures. It almost looked like the sun was out up there, unlike Indy for the past few days.